#Plattform Nr. 1 für gesunde und verbundene Kollegen

Minimaler Aufwand. Messbare Ergebnisse.

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300+ Partner aus allen Branchen vertrauen auf uns

Von Startups bis hin zu Konzernen. Aus den Bereichen Technologie, Einzelhandel, Bauwesen, Versand, Marketing und deiner Branche.

The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.

The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.
HR Business Partner
The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.

It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.

It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.
Dave Beijer
HR Director
It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.

After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.

After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.
HR Business Partner
After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.

In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.

In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.
HR Manager
In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.

The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.

The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.
Kevin Fransen
Marketing & Communicatie
The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.

The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.

The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.
HR Business Partner
The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.

It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.

It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.
Dave Beijer
HR Director
It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.

After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.

After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.
HR Business Partner
After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.

In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.

In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.
HR Manager
In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.

The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.

The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.
Kevin Fransen
Marketing & Communicatie
The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.

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Geistiges und körperliches Wohlbefinden

24/7 Zugang zu 100+ personalisierten gesunden Gewohnheiten, leckeren Rezepten und interaktiven Workouts. 1000+ Tipps & Tricks zu geistigem Wohlbefinden, Ernährung, Bewegung, Raucherentwöhnung und mehr.


Mitreißende Herausforderungen in allen Formen

Nimm an interaktiven Herausforderungen teil. Hast du eine Idee für eine Herausforderung? Mit 99,9 % Wahrscheinlichkeit kannst du sie mit NewU umsetzen. Teile deine Erfahrungen im Newsfeed deiner Organisation. Schärfe das Bewusstsein für psychische Gesundheit, starte Sportwettbewerbe, sammle Geld für wohltätige Zwecke, laufe gemeinsam von Büro zu Büro und vieles mehr.


Wie funktioniert es?

1 App für alle deine Kollegen. 1 Portal, um alles zu verwalten.

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Passe NewU an deine Bedürfnisse an

Plane erfolgserprobte Initiativen in weniger als 2 Minuten. Wähle wirkungsvolle Initiativen aus der Inspirationsbibliothek.

Passe NewU an deine Bedürfnisse an


Lade ansprechende Werbematerialien herunter und teile sie.

Texte, Poster, Videos und Präsentationen, die zu deiner Initiative passen, mit nur einem Klick.

Lade ansprechende Werbematerialien herunter und teile sie.


Melde dich mit einem einzigartigen Code für die App an

Wie meldet man sich für die mobile App an? Super einfach. Erstelle und teile den Anmeldecode. Das war's.

Melde dich mit einem einzigartigen Code für die App an


Aufschlussreiche Berichte unter Wahrung der Privatsphäre

Vollständig anonymisiert. Alles, was du über die Gesundheit, die Konnektivität und das Wohlbefinden deiner Organisation wissen musst, ist in deinem eigenen Portal verfügbar.

Aufschlussreiche Berichte unter Wahrung der Privatsphäre

Ein niedriger Festpreis, Unbegrenzter Zugang

Anzahl der Angestellten: 25

1 year / Anually



Unbegrenzte Nutzung der mobilen App


Zugang zur eigenen Gesundheitsplattform (Portal


10 strategische Videoanrufe pro Jahr


Unbegrenzter technischer Support

2 year / Anually



Unbegrenzte Nutzung der mobilen App


Zugang zur eigenen Gesundheitsplattform (Portal


10 strategische Videoanrufe pro Jahr


Unbegrenzter technischer Support

3 year / Anually



Unbegrenzte Nutzung der mobilen App


Zugang zur eigenen Gesundheitsplattform (Portal


10 strategische Videoanrufe pro Jahr


Unbegrenzter technischer Support

Login ScreenAstronaut

Bist du neugierig, warum unsere Partner so begeistert von NewU sind?

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Unsere Geschichte

Wir (Bart & Gijs), zwei ehemalige Studenten der Bewegungswissenschaften, haben NewU gegründet, weil wir glauben, dass eine Kultur der Gesundheit, der Verbundenheit und der persönlichen Entwicklung das Herzstück eines jeden erfolgreichen Unternehmens ist.

Wir haben vor 3 Jahren mit 3 Unternehmen in den Niederlanden angefangen und sind stolz darauf, dass wir heute mit über 300 Partnern in 7 Ländern auf dem Weg sind, die größte Gesundheits-App für europäische Unternehmen zu werden.

Wir freuen uns darauf, bald mit dir zusammenzuarbeiten und die Gesundheit und Verbundenheit deiner Mitarbeiter zu fördern.

Schaffe deine eigene gesunde Kultur

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