Who to choose as the ambassador for your health initiative? 🏅
Have you ever wondered how to make a health program land within all layers of your organization? How can we ensure that everyone, from the intern to the director, feels engaged and wants to participate? The answer is closer than you think: health champions! Based on our experience with thousands of users, we tell you how to find these key people.
Time to read: 5 minutes
Tip 1 Sample figure: Practice as the best teacher 🦾
Who comes to mind first when you think of a healthy employee? An ambassador who already incorporates health into daily life inspires confidence. Look for employees who not only talk about healthy living but also exude it in their weekly routines. Their experience provides a solid foundation of inspiration and trust within your team. Your perfect ambassador is a connector who already has many healthy habits in his/her daily routine. These can be simple things like exercising regularly, taking healthy snacks to work, and dealing with stress consciously. It's not just about following a specific diet or extreme exercise but an overall lifestyle that promotes health.
Tip 2 Leisure: The passion for health 🍎
You are looking for an employee with a passion for health who is also interested in innovation, news, and other developments related to this topic. These are the colleagues who also talk about a new fitness routine outside meetings or share a healthy recipe in the canteen. Their authenticity and enthusiasm make them reliable and inspiring figures within your organization. It is important to recognize that passion for health can express itself in different ways. While one employee may be enthusiastic about following the latest trends in nutrition, another colleague may focus more on mental wellbeing, for example, by emphasizing mindfulness exercises or the importance of getting enough sleep. The key is to find someone who embraces a wide range of health aspects and can inspire others to work on their wellbeing.
Tip 3 Activate & Motivate: Connect within teams 🔥
Choose an ambassador that everyone on a diverse team can identify with. This does not have to be the most popular or funny person, but someone who really connects. In addition, you want your health champion to be easily able to motivate and activate others. Chances are they are already picking this up at the start of the day or during breaks. Activating and motivating colleagues requires empathy and understanding. A good health champion knows how to encourage others without pressurizing them or presenting themselves as superior. This can range from organizing lunch walks to sharing personal health challenges and successes. It is about creating an environment where everyone feels supported and motivated to make healthy choices.
In summary, a perfect ambassador would meet these 3 traits;
- someone with an authentic passion for sport, nutrition, and health
- a connector who shares recognition within the team and is able to activate people
- someone who is proud of their personal growth in the field of healthy living and would like to be a role model
Finding the perfect ambassador is more than selecting a face for your vitality campaign; it's about finding a heart and soul who can carry and anchor your health initiative within your organization.
Are you ready to set a course for more vitality and wellbeing? Discover together with NewU which initiatives will work well for you and your ambassadors. Schedule a digital coffee.