Case study Fibrant
Dave Beijer, People & Culture
Fibrant's experience working with NewU
Time to read: 5 minutes

What is your background and position?
I am responsible for People & Culture at Fibrant, a company with about 400 employees that supplies EcoLactam, the sustainable raw material for nylon (for e.g. packaging that makes food last longer, plastics that make cars lighter and high quality textiles). Next to my job I am a certified personal trainer and I give weekly bootcamps, group trainings and personal training.
What problem were you trying to solve using NewU?
I strongly believe that when employees feel good about themselves both mentally and physically, and when their work context fosters development and professionalism, that produces the best results for both employees and Fibrant. With that in mind, we have a wide range of employee wellbeing initiatives under the umbrella of FiViT (Fibrant Vital). The NewU app fits perfectly into the FiViT program and establishes relationships with initiatives in the areas of healthy eating, exercise and mental fitness. Moreover, the app ensures that new behavior is secured and eventually turns into a habit. I notice it myself. By using the app, I drink more water, strive for adequate mental rest, and reflect more on the successes of the day. It takes no effort at all.
What (measurable) effect has NewU had on your organization?
It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the app, because of the competition element. But people can also work on their fitness in all area’s unseen (from the employer). I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner. It's too early to see any effect on absenteeism or overall health, but the responses are positive, and the app is triggering different conversations. That's great to see.
What is the reason you chose NewU?
The enthusiasm of the NewU team. Gijs knows how to bring it, listens well and responds quickly to feedback. In addition, the cost model speaks volumes, with both NewU and Fibrant driven to realize as many participants as possible. A common goal!
How would you describe your experience with NewU?
See question 2
Is there anything else you would like to share about NewU?
I look forward to seeing what else is developed in the near future and how together we can contribute even more to the health of our employees.