Plateforme #1 pour des sains et connectés collègues

Effort minimal. Résultats mesurables.

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Plus de 300+ partenaires de tous les secteurs d'activité nous font confiance

Des startups aux entreprises. Variant entre la technologie, la vente au détail, la construction, l'expédition, le marketing et ton secteur d'activité.

The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.

The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.
HR Business Partner
The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.

It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.

It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.
Dave Beijer
HR Director
It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.

After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.

After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.
HR Business Partner
After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.

In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.

In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.
HR Manager
In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.

The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.

The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.
Kevin Fransen
Marketing & Communicatie
The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.

The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.

The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.
HR Business Partner
The country competitions were a greatly contributed to by a number of countries and you would regularly see messages from employees on our social wall about the progress.

It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.

It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.
Dave Beijer
HR Director
It's incredibly fun to see colleagues active on the NewU app, because of the competition element. I hear daily conversations at the coffee machine about ' the last cup of coffee of the day', the wall sits, or push-ups people did before the work day or the fact that they didn't touch their phone after dinner.

After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.

After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.
HR Business Partner
After the first month, we had already completed 540 new habits and 396 challenges. It's super nice to see a large part of the employees get active, share results with each other, and get to know colleagues differently.

In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.

In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.
HR Manager
In the portal we see that 1 third of the employees are participating. It is talked about at the coffee table and at lunch. People are taking part and there are even people in the top 3 who I didn't expect. Super nice to see.

The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.

The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.
Kevin Fransen
Marketing & Communicatie
The app has not only provided a healthy boost, but has also had a strengthening effect on our team spirit and overall engagement.

La sur la vitalité des RH #1 lettre d'information

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Bien-être mental et physique

Accès 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 à plus de 100 habitudes saines personnalisées, à de délicieuses recettes et à des séances d'entraînement interactives. Plus de 1000 conseils et astuces sur le bien-être mental, la nutrition, le mouvement, l'arrêt du tabac, et plus encore.


Des défis engageants sous toutes les formes

Participe à des défis interactifs. Tu as une idée de défi ? Il y a 99,9 % de chances que tu puisses le réaliser avec NewU. Partage tes expériences sur le fil d'actualité de ton organisation. Sensibilisez les gens à la santé mentale, lancez des compétitions sportives, récoltez de l'argent pour des œuvres caritatives, marchez ensemble d'un bureau à l'autre, et bien plus encore.


Comment ça marche ?

1 application pour tous tes employés. 1 Portail pour tout gérer.

🚀 Essaie gratuitement


Adapte NewU à tes besoins

Planifie des initiatives en moins de 2 minutes. Choisis des initiatives impactantes dans la bibliothèque d'inspiration.

Adapte NewU à tes besoins


Télécharge et partage des promotions engageantes

Textes, affiches, vidéos et présentations adaptés à ton initiative, en 1 clic.

Télécharge et partage des promotions engageantes


S'inscrire à l'appli avec un code unique.

Comment s'inscrire à l'application mobile ? C'est très simple. Crée et partage le code de connexion. C'est tout.

S'inscrire à l'appli avec un code unique.


Des rapports perspicaces dans le respect de la vie privée.

Entièrement anonymisés . Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur la santé, la connectivité et le bien-être de ton organisation est disponible sur ton propre portail.

Des rapports perspicaces dans le respect de la vie privée.

Un prix fixe et bas, Accès illimité

Nombre d'employés: 25

1 year / Anually



Utilisation illimitée de l'application mobile


Accès à sa propre plateforme de santé (portail


10 appels vidéo stratégiques par an


Assistance technique illimitée

2 year / Anually



Utilisation illimitée de l'application mobile


Accès à sa propre plateforme de santé (portail


10 appels vidéo stratégiques par an


Assistance technique illimitée

3 year / Anually



Utilisation illimitée de l'application mobile


Accès à sa propre plateforme de santé (portail


10 appels vidéo stratégiques par an


Assistance technique illimitée

Login ScreenAstronaut

Curieux de savoir pourquoi nos partenaires sont si enthousiastes à propos de NewU ?

🔍 Explorer NewU

Notre histoire

Nous (Bart & Gijs), deux anciens étudiants en sciences du mouvement humain, avons lancé NewU parce que nous pensons qu'une culture de la santé, de la connectivité et du développement personnel est au cœur de toute organisation réussie.

Nous avons commencé il y a 3 ans avec 3 entreprises aux Pays-Bas et nous sommes fiers d'être actuellement avec plus de 300 partenaires dans 7 pays sur notre chemin pour devenir la plus grande application de santé pour les entreprises européennes.

Nous sommes impatients de travailler avec toi bientôt et de booster la santé de tes employés, ainsi que leur connectivité.

Crée ta propre culture saine

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Rencontre un coach